Well this is my second attempt at posting this- I'm trying to make efficient use of my time on the trip back from Virginia beach to do some online "housekeeping" :)
The past couple months have been at cosmic breakneck speed.
Currently I'm still working hard on preparing for CTR 10k August 8th. It's an evening race. We have more entrants this year than last yr- at this point and I'm so extremely grateful to all my running family who help me year after year remember my brother Todd, honor his memory and help others in celebration of the amazing unique and special person he was in our lives.
"Freedom to be" is the name of this blog because it was my brothers personal credo and since August 10 2007- I have adapted it to be my own. I try very hard everyday to not only be my authentic self, live a life that is being true to myself and who I am, but completely want and encourage everyone else to do the same. It's not always easy, its scary and it can come with difficulties. Many times others will try to pull you down or admonish you. Call you names (such as "self promoting" for example lol) to try to get you to shrink back- stay stagnant and small- this is because these people are scared. They are just trying to smear their fear/ judgements/criticisms they have on you- so they will feel better about themselves. Don't let that be a blip on your radar. Not everyone will "get" your journey- and that's okay- what's important is that YOU know your mission, focus and intentions and where your heart is- follow your heart, intuition - truly lean into it and it won't lead you astray, and as for the haters- they gonna hate- "those that mind won't matter, and those that matter won't mind." I just feel sorry for them have loving kindness and compassion- send a prayer to them that they find something to make them absolutely on fire about life like you have - then they won't have time to glom on you. Lol but also have strength and absolute resolve that no one is going to divert you from your path. (That's my sermon for Sunday)
Running: since this IS primarily an UltraRunning blog. I have been doing just that! Running almost every single day this summer. Feels amazing to run with energy and not hurting- uninjured. I don't take a step of that fore-granted. I have primarily been doing road running. With some
Shorter trail runs- due to my time constraints on my life its about all I can squeeze in but I feel it's exactly what I needed to build up from the basement level. I am planning on running Jarmans on August 1st- very excited to get to run 3o miles in the blue ridge mountains with so many friends- I know it will feel like a family reunion.
For the remainder of fall, My A event isn't a race but an experience. I graduate with my RYT in October- and also I turn 37 on August 22nd. My summer is scheduled so tight and I'm so busy- I am waiting to celebrate my Birthday by running r2r2r - which is running 42 miles at the Grand Canyon- south rim to
North rim and then back again. My brother Todd was 37 when he passed away so that's the significance of this is a BIG YEAR coming up for me and I want to do something special in celebration of the milestone of me being here- and also in remembrance of Todd because I know he would think my R2r2r run would be freaking epic and BA. So that's my gift to myself. Hope to def have several ultras on my schedule
For 2016- tj100k is on my radar. Maybe umstead 100 if I can get in.
Yoga: wow. So most of my year has been dedicated to deepening my personal practice (to heal my tapped out endocrine system) and to become a yoga teacher. The journey has been amazing and absolutely love instructing because it gives me a sense of purpose that I'm helping others- that is my "dharma code"
For right now: " to grow, expand, thrive and to help others." I'm so extremely grateful for all the information that is being bestowed upon me. I know it's helped me in so many ways physically but emotionally and mentally as well. I know I'm a more stronger, grounded, steadfast, resilient person than I was before my training. Of course I hope to utilize this for racing, but the big WIN is I'm already utilizing these tactics within my life and my Business with great results and I'm so thankful.
Delving inward has been hard work but it also has helped me have great realizations about myself - the good, the bad and the ugly. That is hard- to look In the mirror and own it all. Great thing is that the parts you don't like or know you can tweak to improve- DO IT. It's also helped me love and accept myself- unapologetically. Oh yeah I'm more flexible And have better balance too :)
My teaching schedule right now is my public classes I teach:
Monday power Vinyasa 9:15am
Tuesday mindful flow- 9:15am
At Whitetop yoga in Abingdon (
And on Fridays 8:30 am I teach a free outdoor vinyasa class offered through Bristol parks and rec at pinnacle park (in front of bass pro shops)
And lastly: Mountain PrimaDonna, llc. Whoa. This weekend last yr- I was happy to sell two necklaces per week in etsy and make about 50.00 extra dollars- my mind is blown how in a year my Business has grown. But i have been working my ass off. I have worked harder than I ever have in my life- harder than training for a hundred. It's hard work to MAKE the products you sell as opposed to resell. I was so happy to start my website (
http://www.mountainprimadonna.com) because I felt selling the cool boho/hippy clothes i love :) would give me space to grow and not have to take so much time grinding out jewelry- well, the clothes have helped me make more faster- but the irony is my jewelry is what sells the most and demand just keeps getting higher and higher. I sold 70 necklaces last week alone. I'm soo happy!!
Love that people love the things I make - every farmers market seems like it's a huge rush and confidence builder in my abilities - and capability to run my own little business successfully. But at the same time- wow. How I can do all the things I want- that make me happy- (like run and relax in the evenings with my family) be everywhere I'm supposed to be- (yoga classes, trainings, farmers markets and getting my kids to their activities (lax, tennis, swimming) - I have to sacrifice my all my free time for the time being. Almost every second. Im okay with it because being able to look over my shoulder and see progress- that feels so much better than curling up with a book- or playing on Pinterest - one thing I don't sacrifice my sleep- I have to get up at 5am most mornings so I try to be in bed 9:30pm and asleep by 10- I have to or I cant function. So I'm trying to just be efficient in my one management. I have to be a lot of things to a lot of ppl right now it seems- but change isn't easy- and I know for me to grow I have to grind hard and pay my dues - this applies for it all UltraRunning, yoga instructing, business
So I'm going to continue selling at the farmers market and I'm vending at Floyd Yoga Jam- Labor Day weekend- and mistletoe market in Abingdon, va at the higher Ed center- in November - I'm so grateful for all the opportunities that's been given to me and I am so enjoying working hard to improve.
So that's the craziness that is my life right now. Um, yeah- you know what I love? Change and impermanence. I used to loath it. Now- I relish it. Because I know all this( me not having a second to myself it seems) isn't forever- after yoga teacher training is finished I will have much more
Time every weekend. All these sacrifices I'm making- I'm getting rewarded and seeing results. Or I will in the future I have absolute faith in this.
Tuesday farmers market will end- holiday farmers market is only every other weekend. So I'm viewing this as just the season I'm in. I'm making hay while the sun shines. But I know there is an ebb and flow to it all- I'm just relaxing and accepting- learning to
Ride the ride๐๐ and I'm so grateful to just be here - really and truly. Life is a gift. (Love you, brother!!)
have to brag on my 7 yr old son, Todd on his first swim meet of his season! he won two races ( breaststroke and back stroke and got second for freestyle)