This is a really challenging race because it's pretty much 5.5 miles of climbing and then 5.5 of downhill. I do MUCH better on the climbing part than the descent but luckily for me I had Rick Gray there to pace me out there the last 3 miles and get me to the finish line.

Tom Murrell ( my FAVORITE local runner/coach/road biker) he's just a cool guy!

I loved that mark Skelton gave out pint glasses for awards this year! Mine has already been used SEVERAL times! I just think awards like that are SO much better than something from a trophy shop. Thanks Mark for putting on such a great race.

I also enjoy the smallest of all the races in the Skelton Law Trail Series because it's a tight knit group of people, I love the social aspect of smaller races and I got to see and visit with my old friends:
John Cornelius ( he was my next door neighbor when I lived on South Holston Lake) and it's so awesome he runs and trail runs!!
Jim Bowers: beth and I met Jim in Nov 2005 at Mtn Masters in harlan, ky. We've ran many races with him since. He's just a great guy and a good runner!! I ran a good mile and a half warm up with Jim before the race and caught up on life there. It was great to see him. ( I hadn't ran with Jim since Haunted Half Marathon last oct)
LOVE Rick and Tammy!! I know you guys see them really frequently on my blog, but these guys are my "trail parents". I can honestly say I don't know if I would even be attempting to run ultras if it wasn't for them! Running, Traveling and Racing with them is always so much fun. I'm so happy they are in my life:o)
there are more pictures and the results of Laurel's Run Ascent up on State of Franklin Track Club website
May 8th, I am going to run my 3rd 50k! Capon Valley 50k! I am very excited and hope to get a 50k PR. The course isn't going to be as difficult or technical as Terrapin so I am certainly hoping to break 6 hours. I'm feeling pretty good about it. here is the course website:
also MMTR registration opens may 1st ( TOMORROW!!) I'm going to be running on the AT ( cross mtn to watagua section of the AT) tomorrow morning, but plan to register as soon as I make it back home.
Laurel Run was so much fun. I have certainly run and raced on those trails, but that was the first time for me running Laurel Run Ascent. Mark Skelton did an excellent job and I have put it on my every year list. As you know that says alot for a non-ultra to be on my every year list. It was special. We all have developed some very special friends out there in our trail/ultra world. Tammy and I certainly appreciate your kind words. It is so nice for all of us to be a part of our extended family.
We are all going to have a great time tomorrow morning on the AT. I don't know if you have ever been on this section, but it is beautiful. I can't wait for you to hear the little story about Nick Grindstaff. You will now begin to wonder who is Nick Grindstaff. You will soon find out. You will have some beautiful views looking down on Watauga Lake.
As far as over dressing, yes you do. I will have to give you this credit though, the Nathan race vest is more to carry food, etc, but this was an 11 mile race.
MMTR does open up tomorrow. Not sure what time, but I will also be dealing with registering. By the way, the Iron Mountain races has also opened up. I have sent my entry in to Kevin.
Now as to Capon Valley. You are going to have a ball up there. Dan and Sophie will be there should you need anything. I know they will take care of you. They both have sung the praises for Capon Valley, so I know you have made an excellent choice for ultra # 3 and ultra # 3 in 2010! You are going to rock on a not so rocky trail. See you in the morning.
Hate I missed Laurel Ascent this year. I really like that race!
To me . . . Capon Valley was tough! Lot's of hills and turns! But I'm now a "flatlander" . . . what do I know!!! Good luck!
I was going to Capon again, but turns out I'll be in Kingsport for Mother's Day.
Good luck at Capon Valley! Enjoy the water crossings. I wish I had counted them! We had storms all the night before and the streams were quite swolen!
I hitting Bay's Saturday morning.
hey frank!
that is what annette told me.. to prepare to get my feet wet! haha!
you think I should wear my gore tex montrails for the occasion??
have fun at bays! one wolf is still on the loose and unaccounted for ( they think he is dead or out of the area)! but watch out!! :oP I looked for him at laurel's run ascent! :O)
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