This was my 4th crazy 8's. I was able to run 2 min faster than last year. i came in at 36 min. so I was very happy. I felt really strong the entire race. The weather was hot and humid and my clothes were SOAKED with sweat by the end of the race. kinda gross! :o) I will really be happy when it's fall, and humidity isn't so high.

That's a picture of me at the finish. :o) Brock is so nice to be there for me and take pictures!
Then the following tuesday on July 21st. I returned to kingsport to run Wolf Run 7 mile trail race at Bays mtn park.
I had never ran wolf run before but wanted to run it because I am wanting to run ALL of the skelton Law trail race series. haha Idealistically, I want a pint glass from each race to complete my set:o) and it would be cool if I was about to win the series for the girls. Since I won laurel's run 11 miler a couple of months ago, I have a good chance.
Wolf Run was fun in the fact SO many of my friends from SFTC came to this race, but it really isn't my favorite of the series. It's about 4 miles of fire road ( gravel road) and about 5k of trail. SO it was FAST. I really had a hard time and struggled during this race because I went out too hard, but really just never recovered. I felt leg tired and fatigued and never could get the leg turnover I needed to be in contention for anything. :o( oh, well. I guess it wouldn't be a challenge if every race was super easy and went the way you wanted it to.
I ended up getting 4th overall for the girls and running 58 min. BUT silver lining in every cloud: despite my lack luster performance, I was able to get an age group award and get a pint glass!
buddy eric grossman also ran wolf run! he blew away the field, and broke the course record. AND he got a pint glass of his own as well!
I can't believe that CTR 10k is only 2 weeks away!!! I am so excited about the race this year. I truly believe it will be the BEST yet! I just picked up the handmade medals my friend jeanne mckinnon makes for the age group awards today, and they are SOO amazing!! Those are the first pictures on my blog! :o) LOVE THEM!
The shirts this year are the best ever as well! I used the company leslie jordan. Those of you who ran haunted half marathon last year, it's the same company as the shirts from that race. NICE!!! very light weight mesh, technical fiber. Very excited about the shirts. I think the runners will be happy! Also I have so COOL door prizes one of my friends who is from philly, pa. sent me a box filled with brooks tech-t's and brooks running hats and nathan bottles to be given away as door prizes!! The race is for such a great cause, and it really gives me such a sense of accomplishment to know that my family and I are memorializing my brother Todd is this way.
2 of the 3 scholarship recipients and their families will be at the race! pretty exciting for them to be apart of the race.
I am continuing to train for Cheat mtn 50 miler august 27th!! That is my gift to myself :o) my birthday is on august 22nd and I feel what better way to celebrate life than run a 50 miler?! :o)
I will try to be more consistent with my blog over the next couple of weeks! cheers yall! :o)
1 comment:
Your race in memory of your brother, Todd, is going to be great. No one puts as much of their heart and soul into directing a race than you. The lucky recipients of the scholorships will be forever greatful of your efforts.
You have been one busy girl with all of your races and all of your training. We are going to have a ball at Cheat as it is a favorite 50 miler for me. Hopefully I will see you Saturday at Skulls Gap.
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