yesterday the IMTR's gathered together in Damascus, VA to celebrate the New Year running on the AT/ iron mtn trails, and then go to Eric and Robin Grossman's house for post run refreshment.
We ran our bread and butter 8ish mile loop that is in the shape of a figure 8 and I just LOVE it :o) and it was just so wonderful to get to see all my old friends and spend the morning together. We had some great conversations. :o) It was great to catch up with Doug Blackford, I hadn't ran with him in sometime and we talked alot about his trip to UMB and Chamnoix this summer, and how he was planning to return in the event the lottery was kind to him this year. Tears of sheer joy and happiness literally stung the corners of my eyes the last 2 miles of the run when I had the realization of HOW AWESOME it was to see Eric dart up the trail a blur of orange breaking away from the group, his stride so strong and confident.
And then for Annette to completely DUST me on a killer downhill... I was running as hard as I could go and was still losing so much ground to her... ZOOM! she was gone. (she is just SUPER FAST that is all there is to it)
it was AWESOME to see all my friends healthy, recovered, getting ready to get in "fighting shape" and have a great 2011.
and AS FOR ME, I felt blissed out/ blessed to be running myself in the mtns at the pace I was going and feeling GOOD and STRONG! it wasn't 2 months ago... my speed gone, plagued with nagging injuries.. I had a hard time getting out of 9 min/ 10 min pace shuffle. Sure, I could run that way forever... but after runs, I would go back to my FJ on the verge of tears and extremely frustrated wondering if I had FOREVER screwed myself up. BUT... like the old saying "time heals all wounds" I really truly believe that now. It took TIME and I had to be PATIENT. and heeding SAGE advice of my fleetly, wiser, more mature ultrarunning friends... but I too am healed up, running faster ( though not at the level of my 2 speedy friends eric and annette :oP) but FOR ME... I'm SUPER ELATED where I am.
I really hope that I learned some major lessons over 2010 especially from the fall and summer concerning "What NOT to do when it comes to ultrarunning/racing/recovery." I really feel the swimming/strength training/speed work have helped me tremendously in resolving my issues. I really hope that as the year unfolds I'm more in tune with myself in allowing adequate recovery time/rest time when I need it.

after the run, as I mentioned we went back to Eric and Robin's house. Played a fun card game called "apples to apples" with Eric's kids ( Beth Minnick and I RULED at that game:o) JJ was extremely envious of all our green cards we had acquired-- I know:o) Then we all had Hoppin' John that Doug and Martha prepared. ( black-eyed peas and greens) MMM! Delicious! it's supposed to bring you good luck for the upcoming new year. :o)
I really hope all my friends in blogland has a Happy, Healthy, Wonderful 2011. FILLED with many adventures and time in mtns:o)
To a happy and healthy 2011 for everyone! Let's all make 2011 the best year ever!
Happy New Year Jen! It sounds like you guys had an AWESOME new years run celebration, and that you have learned a ton this year about running, rest, recovery! I know you will have an even better 2011 and look forward to running the trails with you. See you at Holiday Lake! Stay healthy!
Happy New Year Jenny! See you next weekend at the Sasquatch.
- Adam
thanks guys! happy new year! woo!
frank! hope to share the trail with you soon!
see you at FS 50k, adam!!! I'm so excited about your AT adventure!! I can't wait to talk about it!
soph: your new year's day run looked awesome as well! I thought about you guys several times that morning knowing you were on the AT way up there in SNP! I will try to get up there to run with you guys soon! see you at HL in feb!
What a day everyone had. Sorry Tammy and I were unable to be there. We missed all of you.
Was such a fun day!! I can't wait till Wed. night runs are back!! Do some damage this weekend at sasquatch!!
Hey, We were tied on green cards when you decided to LEAVE! :)
It was a wonderful days to see so much of the gang there.
Best wishes for a healthy ultra year,
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