This weekend the perfect fall weather set the stage for some of the most beautiful, picturesque running on the AT/FS 24 and VA creeper trail.
Saturday morning, ( unfortunately neither beth nor I brought a camera) beth and I met at 5:30 am to run on the AT under the stars for a couple of hours. Beth scored some more headlamp time ( hellgate 100k prep for her) and we ran across the ridgelines as the sun arose bathing the world in hues of orange and gold. We ran 24 miles that morning on a loop course we feel is very mimicky of MMTR course. That is 11 miles of singletrack on the AT and 11 miles of FS road and 2 miles of pavement.
Beth and I then went our separate ways, I cleaned up and drove to Richlands to spend time with my family, then went out to dinner with Brock at the Tavern in Abingdon.( had some of the best ahi tuna ever) Zonked out by 9pm..
Beth went camping at scales on top of mt rogers. :o)
I met up with Rick, Tammy and JJ the following morning and we drove up to Elk Garden parking lot. Await for a GLOWING beth who was so happy from a good nights sleep on top of the mtn and a hearty breakfast of pancakes and bacon. :o) From there we ran from elk garden to creek junction via the AT, THEN beth and rick continued on the AT for 12 more miles to damascus and JJ and I ran 10 miles via the Va creeper trail back to our cars at Sundog Outfitters.
It was a BIG training week for me this past week. I'm so grateful for all the time I got to spend in the mtns this weekend and all the trail time I got to share with Beth, Rick and JJ!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!! :o) I'm enjoying recovery today and life in general as I set my sights on MMTR. I can't wait to run my second 50!! :o) Rick: I am taking your advice about the next couple weeks:o) This weekend Beth and I are traveling to lynchburg, va to run the second half of the Masochist course with all our friends:o) YAY!!!
with out further ado: here are some photos from yesterday!

Sounds like a great weekend of trails! And yeah, I made it into MMTR. I did a nice 24 miler Sat. and 3 hours Sunday at Pilot Mtn (with some nice climbing)
Probably should head up into the mtns a bit further this weekend for some more before I taper. Thanks for hooking folks up with the IMTR blog...
Thanks for the great pics (again)! What an awesome weekend of running and friends---and great training for MMTR! I hope Rick's advice was for you to start cutting back the miles a bit and give yourself some recovery this weekend :-) That's what I am going to do. Over the years I have found it to be very wise to go into a race feeling a bit "under trained" than over trained, and last year it paid off at Hellgate! See you guys soon!
I had so much fun this weekend! and I can't wait for our little road trip :)
You'll be ready to rock at Masochist!
See you there,
thanks rob!! see you at MMTR!
sophie: rick's advice was EXACTLY that:o)
see you soon!! can't wait!!
Sophie, As Jenny has already told you I did prescribe a bit of rest. I was not as nice in how I said it, but from what Jenny is saying, she has taken my/our advice. I think you are doing the Masochist training run this weekend, so take care of Jenny and Beth for me.
Jenny, I had a ball Sunday. We could not have asked for better weather and the companionship was just spectacular. Masochist is just around the corner and you are going to rock your 2nd 50 miler!!!
yep.. you were a tad blunt, rick:o) but sometimes that is what tribe members need in order to get a point across:o)
i am resting and taking much better care of myself. day off monday and biked on tuesday. I really think I just literally was running myself into the ground. with the running, not minding my nutrition the way I usually am SO right on top of.. I lost some weight after cheat and just have continually lost.. I'm about 5 lbs under from where I feel strongest.. so I'm back to consuming mad amounts of protein and making sure I get enough calories everyday. just doing this the past 3 days have made me feel VASTLY better/stronger and more jenny-like. I can't believe I had just been neglecting this area when I used to be so mindful of it.
We all live and learn and it sounds like you are now on track for a spectacular Masochist!
Twas a fun run for sure -until those last few miles :P. Gorgeous weekend -especially coming across Lost Mt. Glad you were there to share the hurt. I think the Gov Rd loop actually has more elevation change than MMTR mile per mile. You are ready to Rock 'n' Roll. Can't wait for the Haunted this Sat!!!
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